Place of employment:
- Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing
Years with the University:
2011-2014, and since 2016
Position: PhD student
2014-2016 Geography, Cartography and geoinformation: Master’s degree at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, MSc thesis: „Map of Poland for a primer – evaluation and cartographic elaboration” under the supervision of Ph.D. Andrzej Czerny
2011-2014 Geography: Bachelor’s degree at University of Warsaw, BSc thesis: „Basics of cartography and topography in teaching Science in primary school” under the supervision of Ph.D. Joanta Korycka-Skorupa
Lectures and exercises
Publication list:
- Słomska-Przech K., Gołębiowska I., 2021. Do Different Map Types Support Map Reading Equally? Comparing Choropleth, Graduated Symbols, and Isoline Maps for Map Use Tasks, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10(2), 69; DOI: 10.3390/ijgi10020069 (IF 2.239, 70 points MNiSW)
- Słomska-Przech K., Golebiowska I.M., 2020. Falling into a digital world: how are paper and interactive maps used by digital natives and immigrants? Geografie, 125 (4): 447-472, DOI: 10.37040/geografie2020125040447 (IF 1.008, 40 points MNiSW)
- Słomska-Przech K., Pokojski W., 2019, Możliwości wykorzystania map cyfrowych w nauce geografii w nawiązaniu do nowej podstawy programowej, Edukacja Biologiczna i Środowiskowa 2019/1: 27–39.
- Słomska K., 2018. Types of maps used as a stimuli in cartographical empirical research. Miscellanea Geographica, 22 (3): 157-171; DOI: 10.2478/mgrsd-2018-0014 (70 points MNiSW)
- Słomska, K., 2017. Evaluation of selected maps used in early school education in Poland and proposal of a new solution. Polish Cartographical Review. 49 (2): 67-77. DOI:10.1515/pcr-2017-0006
- Korycka-Skorupa J., Słomska K., 2016. The teaching of cartography and topography in the Polish primary school. Polish Cartographical Review, 48 (1): 29-40. DOI: 10.1515/pcr-2016-0004
- Kałamucki K., Słomska K., Piwnicka A., 2015, Mapa Trasy wycieczek zagranicznych w latach 2002-2014, [In:] E. Kardaszewska (ed.), 70 lat Lubelskiego Oddziału PTG 1945-2015, PTG Oddział Lubelski, Lublin.