Place of employment:
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing
phone: +48 2255 20670, fax: +48 22 5521521
Years with the University:
since 1st October 2011
since 1st October 2011
research scientist (adiunct)
research scientist (adiunct)
- 2004: Ph.D. degree of Earth Sciencies (Geography). University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Ph.D. thesis: “Usage of spectral and structural features of objects mapping on satellite imagery in land use mapping” [“Wykorzystanie spektralnych i strukturalnych cech obiektów odwzorowanych na zdjęciach satelitarnych w kartowaniu użytkowania ziemi”] under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ciołkosz
- 2000 – 2004: PhD student at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies. Specialisation in geoinformatics2000: Diploma in Geography from University of Warsaw, College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. M.Sc. thesis: “Development of Mazovia land use map on the basis of NOAAA satellite imagery registered with AVHRR scanner” [“Opracowanie mapy użytkowania ziemi w województwie mazowieckim na podstawie obrazów satelitarnych wykonanych skanerem AVHRR z satelity NOAA.”] under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ciołkosz
- 1995-2000: Student of University of Warsaw, College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Science
Lectures and exercises
- Geographic Information Systems 2011-2012
- Photointerpretation course 2011-2012
- Methods of acquisition of remote sensing information from 2014
- Remote sensing for Spatial Management from 2014
- BA Seminars 2012-2013
- Spatial management from 2012
Supervision of PhD students
- MSc. Ewa Wilk (2013-2017, together with Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski)
Supervision of MSc. students
- MSc. Agnieszka Kowalska; „Spatial analysis of mesothelioma cases in Poland„. Reviewer: dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 19.09.2017.
- MSc. Patrycja Starzec; „The dependence between the use of asbestos products and the spatial features of the property„. Co-supervisor: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek. Reviewer: dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 19.09.2017.
- MSc. Katarzyna Szczęsna; „Impervious surfaces classification in Białystok based on AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery„. Reviewer dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 06.12.2016.
- MSc. Agnieszka Soszyńska; „Assessment of the impervious surfaces classification accuracy in multispectral, high resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery using artificial neural network„, Reviewer: dr hab. W. Ostrowski; 21.09.2016.
- MSc. Michał Jankowski; “Land cover mapping based on APEX hyperspectral data”, Reviewer: Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 19.10.2015.
- MSc. Krzysztof Mitelsztedt; “Geographical analysis of the environment structure of Ropa catchment using geoinformation tools”, Reviewer: Dr Elżbieta Wołk-Musiał; 31.03.2014.
- MSc. Maria Szepietowska; “The use of aerial photography to inventory taking of asbestos cement roofing”, Reviewer: Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 24.09.2013.
- MSc. Anna Bińkowska; ”The analysis of changes in selected biophysical properties of the Baltic Sea in the period from June to October 2009, based on images from MODIS”, ”, Reviewer: prof. dr Jan Olędzki; 19.09.2012
Supervision of BA students:
- Mateusz Gładki; „Spectral features of asbestos-cement roofing”. Reviewer: dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 10.07.2017.
- Maria Kornatko; „Upper-tier establishments and lower-tier establishments in the Mazovian voivodship” Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 04.07.2016.
- Ewelina Rogulska; “Spectral differentiation of roofing materials” [Zróżnicowanie spektralne pokryć dachowych], Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 30.09.2015
- Kacper Piątkowski; “The analisys of the possibilites of asbestos cement roofing discrimination”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 21.07.2014
- Katarzyna Szczęsna; “The 4th Level CORINE Land Cover map of Karpacz based on airborne images”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 21.07.2014
- Agnieszka Soszyńska “Accuracy Assessment of the Soil Sealing Enhancement Project in Poland”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 15.07.2014
- Michał Pogodziński; “The use of aerial and satellite monitoring of agricultural land”, Reviewer: Dr. Elżbieta Wołk Musiał; 19.09.2012
- Piotr Pawłowski; “Analysis of the components of wind map”, Reviewer: Dr Elżbieta Wołk Musiał; 18.06.2012
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2023. Hazardous waste in the Anthropocene: The comparative methods for asbestos roofs detection to assess the environmental risk. The Anthropocene Review 11(2), (IF 2.8, 200 MEiN points).
- Raczko E., Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2022. Asbestos roofing recognition by use of convolutional neural networks and high-resolution aerial imagery. Testing different scenarios. Building and Environment 217, (IF 6.456, 200 MEiN points).
Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., 2021. Malignant mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in Europe. Evidence of spatial clustering. Geospatial Health 16(1), (IF 1.212, 70 MEiN points).
Krówczyńska M., Raczko E., Staniszewska N., Wilk E., 2020. Asbestos-Cement Roofing Identification Using Remote Sensing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Remote Sensing 12(3), 408, (IF 4.848, 100 MEiN points)
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2019. Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Asbestos as a Result of Consumption and Use in Poland, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(14), 2611; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16142611 (IF 2.849, 70 MEiN points).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Zagajewski B., 2019. Modelling the Spatial Distribution of Asbestos-Cement Products in Poland with the Use of the Random Forest Algorithm. Sustainability, 11(16), 4355, DOI: 10.3390/su11164355 (IF 3.251, 70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2018. Asbestos Exposure and the Mesothelioma Incidence in Poland, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(8), 1741; DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15081741 (IF 2.849, 70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2018. Spatial analysis of the exposure to asbestos and health care in Poland in 2004-2013, Geospatial Health, 13(2), DOI: 10.4081/gh.2018.689, (IF 1.212, 70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Olędzka G., 2018. Pleural mesothelioma in Poland. Spatial analysis of malignant neoplasm prevalence in 1999-2013, Geospatial Health, 13(2), DOI:10.4081/gh.2018.667 (IF 1.212, 70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Kycko M., 2017. Hyperspectral discrimination of asbestos-c1ement roofing, Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, 11 (1): 47-65, (20 MEiN points).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Mędrzycki P., 2017. Estimation of the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in Poland. Waste Management & Research, 35(5):491-499, DOI: 10.1177/0734242X16683271 (IF 3.549, 70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Zagajewski B., Meuleman K., 2016. Mapping asbestos-cement roofing with the use of APEX hyperspectral airborne imagery: Karpacz area, Poland – a case study. Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, 20(1): 41-46, ISSN: 2084-6118, DOI: 10.1515/mgrsd-2016-0007 (70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Soszyńska A., Pabjanek P., Wilk E., Hurbanek P., Rosina K., 2016. Accuracy of the Soil Sealing Enhancement Product for Poland. Quaestiones Geographicae, vol. 35, issue 3 pp. 89-95 (20 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2016. Geoazbest – serwis do monitorowania procesu usuwania wyrobów azbestowych, Roczniki Geomatyki, t.14, z.4 (74): 477-486.
- Pabjanek P., Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Miecznikowski M., 2016. An accuracy assessment of European Soil Sealing Dataset (SSL2009): Stara Miłosna area, Poland – a case study, Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, 20(4): 59-63,ISSN 2084-6118, DOI: 10.1515/mgrsd-2016-0019, (70 MEiN points).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Olędzka G., Pabjanek P., Szepietowska M., 2015. The analysis of the possibilities of using aerial imagery for the inventory taking of asbestos roofing – chapter in book.
- Olędzka G., Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., 2015. Environmental exposure to asbestos fibres in Poland regarding to world literature trends – chapter in book
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Olędzka G., Rogulska E., 2015. Zróżnicowanie spektralne dachowych pokryć azbestowo-cementowych. Teledetekcja Środowiska, 53, 75-86.
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., 2015. Determinants influencing the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in Poland. Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, Vol. 19, No. 3, ISSN: 2084-6118, DOI: 10.1515/mgrsd-2015-0014 (70 MNiSW points).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Olędzka G., Pabjanek P., 2015. Składowanie i transport wyrobów zawierających azbest w świetle obowiązującego prawa [Asbestos landfills and transportation of asbestos-containing products]. In: Olszówka M., Maciąg K. (eds.), Nauka w służbie przyrodzie – wybrane zagadnienia, pp. 127-139. Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki i rozwoju TYGIEL, Lublin.
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Zagajewski B., 2014. The Electronic Spatial Information System – tools for the monitoring of asbestos in Poland, Miscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, vol. 18 (2), pp. 59-64 (70 MNiSW points).
- Sobczak M., Zagajewski B., Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Jarocińska A., Pabjanek P., Marcinkowska A., Ochtyra A., Kycko M., 2014. Teledetekcyjne metody badania wód śródlądowych. In: Pawłowski B. (ed.), Problemy rekultywacji jezior ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Jeziora Suskiego, pp. 65-74. Susz-Toruń – rozdział w monografii.
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Zagajewski B., 2014. Asbestos manufacturing plants in Poland. Miscellanea Geographica, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 53–58, ISSN (Online) 2084-6118, DOI: 10.2478/mgrsd-2014-0022, June 2014 (9 MNiSW points).
- Krówczyńska M., 2013. Use of spectral and structural features of objects for land use mapping based on satellite imagery, Towards Horizon 2020: Earth Observation and Social Perspectives, 33th EARSeL, Symposium Proceedings.
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., 2013. Aerial imagery and geographic information systems used in the asbestos removal process in Poland, Towards Horizon 2020: Earth Observation and Social Perspectives, 33th EARSeL, Symposium Proceedings.
- Smelcerz A., Krówczyńska M.,Woźniak E., 2013. Mapa zakwitu sinic w Morzu Bałtyckim, rozdział [w:] Kalejdoskop GIS Tom 2, Strony: 104-105
Sobczak M., Folbrier A., Kozłowska A., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Wrzesień M., Zagajewski B., 2005. Assessment of the potential of hyperspectral data and techniques for mountain vegetation analysis. In: Zagajewski B., Sobczak M. (eds.). Imaging Spectroscopy. New quality in environmental studies. EARSeL & Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Warsaw, pp. 761-780.
- Zagajewski B., Sobczak M., Krówczyńska M., Zwijacz-Kozica M., 2005. Cyfrowe przetwarzanie zdjęć hiperspektralnych. In: Teledetekcja Środowiska Tom 36. Klub Teledetekcji Środowiska PTG, Warszawa.
Iwaniak A., Krówczyńska M., Paluszyński W., 2004. Data analysis techniques, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of the EARSeL, Ghent, Belgium 2-5 June 2003, Remote Sensing in Transition.
- Iwaniak A., Krówczyńska M., Paluszyński W., 2003. Using neural networks for urban area classification in satellite images. 23rd EARSel Symposium on Remote Sensing in Transition, Ghent, Belgium
Krówczyńska M., 2003. The preparation of map of land use in mazowieckie voideship bassed on satellite images from NOAA Satellite with AVHRR Scanner, Geoinformation for Europen-wide Integration, Rotterdam, Niderlandy.
Iwaniak A., Krówczyńska M., Paluszyński W., 2002. Użycie sieci neuronowych do klasyfikacji obdszarów miejskich na zdjęciach satelitarnych. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum – Geodesia et Descriptio Terrarum, 1(1-2), 5-13.
Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Identification of asbestos-cement roofing with the use of remote sensing data in Cyprus, Landscapes Across the Mediterranean (CrossMED), 11-13.12.2024 r., Reggio di Calabria, Włochy (referat).
Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Environmental aspects of remote sensing for the classification of asbestos industry impact on the landscape changes in Cyprus, Landscapes Across the Mediterranean (CrossMED), 11-13.12.2024 r., Reggio di Calabria, Włochy (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Identification of asbestos-cement roofing with the use of remote sensing data in the capital city of Poland, ISPRS Technical Commission III Mid-term Symposium on Remote Sensing, 4-8.11.2024, Belém, Brazylia (referat).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Zagajewski B., Environmental aspects of remote sensing for the classification of asbestos industry impact on the landscape changes in Cyprus, ISPRS Technical Commission III Mid-term Symposium on Remote Sensing, 4-8.11.2024, Belém, Brazylia (referat).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Environmental Impact of Asbestos-cement Roofs to Reveal Best Practices of Hazardous Waste Management in the European Union, 2023 RSA Annual Conference, Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places, 14-17.06.2023, Ljubljana, Słowenia (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Raczko E., Wilk E., Asbestos-Cement Roofing Identification Using Remote Sensing and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). 40th EARSEL Symposium: European Remote Sensing-New Solutions for Science and Practice, 07-10.06.2021 r. Warszawa (referat)
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Spatial analysis of asbestos exposure and occupational health care in Poland during the period 2004-2013. ESA Living Planet Symposium, C7.03: Satellite and Citizen Observations, 13-17.05.2019 r. Mediolan, Włochy (poster).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Sobczak M., Olędzka G. Spatial analysis of asbestos data in terms of exposure and health protection in 2004-2015, Current problems of Earth sciences: natural resources and environmental protection, 25-27.09.2017 r. Brześć, Białoruś (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Wiliński J. Monitoring of asbestos removal process on the example of the city of Opole, Current problems of Earth sciences: natural resources and environmental protection, 25-27.09.2017 r. Brześć, Białoruś (referat).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Mędrzycki P. Modeling the spatial distribution of asbestos products in Poland and estimation of the costs of their removal, Current problems of Earth sciences: natural resources and environmental protection, 25-27.09.2017 r. Brześć, Białoruś (referat).
- Olędzka G., Wilk E., Krówczyńska M. Report on the status of the Programme for disposal of asbestos and asbestos-containing products used in Poland and Programme for Asbestos Abatement in Poland in the area of exposure assessment and health protection, Cancer Prevention, 24-26.06.2015 r. Gdańsk, Polska (poster).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P. Mędrzycki P., Olędzka G., Lechnio J., Estimation of the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in Polish gminas – contribution to the discussion relating to ecosystem services, Ecosystems Services – Landscape Ecology Integrative Role, 22-24.06.2016 r. Łochów, Polska (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Lechnio J., Register of immovable and archaeological monuments of Poland as a source of data ecosystem services, Ecosystems Services – Landscape Ecology Integrative Role, 22-24.06.2016 r. Łochów, Polska (poster).
- Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Wilk E., Soszyńska S., Miecznikowski M, Hurbanek P., Rosina K., Analysis of the Soil Sealing Enhancement project for Poland, Stockholm, 35th EARSeL Symposium: European Remote Sensing – Progress, Challenges and Opportunities, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 15-19.06.2015 r. Sztokholm, Szwecja (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Sobczak M., Zagajewski B., Roofing classification with the use of APEX hyperspectral airborne imagery, 35th EARSeL Symposium: European Remote Sensing – Progress, Challenges and Opportunities, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 15-19.06.2015 r., Sztokholm, Szwecja (poster).
- Kycko M., Zagajewski B., Ochtyra A., Jarocińska A., Krówczyńska M., Orłowska K., Pabjanek P., Trampling of alpine grassland on WorldView-2 images, 35th EARSeL Symposium: European Remote Sensing – Progress, Challenges and Opportunities, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-19.06.2015 r. Sztokholm, Szwecja (poster).
- Pabjanek P., Jarocińska A., Ochtyra A., Kycko M., Chlebicka A., Zagajewski B., Krówczyńska M. The relationship between precipitation and vegetation indices derived from Landsat data, 35th EARSeL Symposium: European Remote Sensing – Progress, Challenges and Opportunities, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 15-19.06.2015 r. Sztokholm, Szwecja (poster).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Skubiszewska A., Minkiewicz A., Olędzka G., Asbestos consumption and pleural mesothelioma mortality in Poland in comparison with other European countries, 13th International Conference of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig 2016), 01-04.05.2016 r. Birmingham, Wielka Brytania (referat).
- Olędzka G., Wilk E., Skubiszewska A., Minkiewicz A., Krówczyńska M., Mesothelioma mortality in Poland between 1999 and 2013, 13th International Conference of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig 2016), 01-04.05.2016 r. Birmingham, Wielka Brytania (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E. Geoinformation monitoring of asbestos containing products in Poland. To investigate the options for reducing the risk of mesothelioma through government initiatives – Poland, Belgium, Italy, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, 28.01.2016 r. Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Warszawa – wykład na zaproszenie.
- Olędzka G., Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Asbestos consumption and pleural mesothelioma mortality in Poland in comparison with other European countries. To investigate the options for reducing the risk of mesothelioma through government initiatives – Poland, Belgium, Italy, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, 28.01.2016 r. Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Warszawa – wykład na zaproszenie.
- Ochtyra A., Zagajewski B., Kozłowska A., Kycko M., Jarocińska A., Marcinkowska-Ochtyra A., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P. Fusion of hyperspectral field data and multispectral satellite images to assess vegetation condition: case study Tatra Mountains. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, 14-16.04.2015 r. Luksemburg (poster).
- Kycko M., Zagajewski B., Jarocińska A., Ochtyra A., Orłowska K., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P. Remote sensing analysis of the state of trampling alpine grasslands in the Tatra National Park, 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, 14-16.04.2015 r. Luksemburg (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Zagajewski B., Ochtyra A., Kycko M., Hyperspectral discrimination of asbestos-cement roofing, Warszawa, Joint workshop of EARSeL special interest groups: 3D Remote Sensing and Urban Remote Sensing, 16-19.06.2014 r. Warszawa, Polska (referat).
- Soszyńska A., Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Hurbanek P., Rosina K., Analysis of impervious surfaces in Poland, Warsaw, EARSeL & ISPRS Young Scientist Days 2014 oraz 2nd Polish Student Conference on Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, 16-19.06.2014 r. Warszawa, Polska (referat).
- Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Determinants influencing the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in Poland, Warsaw, 34th EARSeL Symposium European remote sensing – new opportunities for science and practice, 16-19.06.2014 r. Warszawa, Polska (referat).
- Ochtyra A., Kycko M., Jarocińska, A., Zagajewski B., Pabjanek P., Krówczyńska M., Chlebicka A., The relationship between the amount of precipitation and values of vegetation indices based on Landsat images, 34th EARSeL Symposium European remote sensing – new opportunities for science and practice, 16-19.06.2014 r. Warszawa, Polska (referat).
- Kycko M., Zagajewski B., Ochtyra A., Jarocinska A., Marcinkowska A., Krówczyńska M., Orłowska K., Assessment of WorldView-2 images for condition analysis of trampled high-mountain meadows. 34th EARSeL Symposium European remote sensing – new opportunities for science and practice, 16-20.06.2014 r. Warszawa, Polska (referat).
- Zagajewski B., Krówczyńska M., Kacprzyk M., Pytlak U., Jarocińska A., Land cover mapping of Polish Lowland using Landsat images and neural network simulators, SCERIN-1 Meeting & Trip: „Monitoring Land Cover Changes & Forest Condition”, 17-19.06.2013 r. Uniwersytet Karola, Praga, Czechy (referat).
- Krówczyńska M., Wilk E. Aerial imagery and geographic information systems used in the asbestos removal process in Poland, 33rd EARSeL Symposium Towards Horizon 2020: Earth Observation and Social Perspectives, University of Basilicata, 3-6.06.2013 r. Matera, Włochy (poster).