Małgorzata Krówczyńska

Place of employment:

University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Chair of Geomatics and Information Systems, Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing


e-mail:, Phone: + 48 2255 20670, Fax: + 48 22 5521521

Years with the University:
since 1st October 2011
research scientist (adiunct)


  • 2004: Ph.D. degree of Earth Sciencies (Geography). University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Ph.D. thesis: “Usage of spectral and structural features of objects mapping on satellite imagery in land use mapping” [“Wykorzystanie spektralnych i strukturalnych cech obiektów odwzorowanych na zdjęciach satelitarnych w kartowaniu użytkowania ziemi”] under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ciołkosz
  • 2000 – 2004: PhD student at University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and     Regional Studies. Specialisation in geoinformatics2000: Diploma in Geography from University of Warsaw, College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences. M.Sc. thesis:  “Development of Mazovia land use map on the basis of NOAAA satellite imagery registered with AVHRR scanner” [“Opracowanie mapy użytkowania ziemi w województwie mazowieckim na podstawie obrazów satelitarnych wykonanych skanerem AVHRR z satelity NOAA.”] under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Andrzej Ciołkosz
  • 1995-2000: Student of University of Warsaw, College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Science

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Lectures and exercises

  • Geographic Information Systems 2011-2012
  • Photointerpretation course 2011-2012
  • Methods of acquisition of remote sensing information from 2014
  • Remote sensing for Spatial Management from 2014
  • BA Seminars 2012-2013
  • Spatial management from 2012

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Supervision of PhD students

  • MSc. Ewa Wilk (2013-2017, together with Dr  hab. Bogdan Zagajewski)
Supervision of MSc. students
  • MSc. Agnieszka Kowalska; „Spatial analysis of mesothelioma cases in Poland„. Reviewer: dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 19.09.2017.
  • MSc. Patrycja Starzec; „The dependence between the use of asbestos products and the spatial features of the property„.  Co-supervisor: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek. Reviewer: dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 19.09.2017.
  • MSc. Katarzyna Szczęsna; „Impervious surfaces classification in Białystok based on AISA Eagle hyperspectral imagery„. Reviewer dr hab. B. Zagajewski; 06.12.2016.
  • MSc. Agnieszka Soszyńska; „Assessment of the impervious surfaces classification accuracy in multispectral, high resolution WorldView-2 satellite imagery using artificial neural network„, Reviewer: dr hab. W. Ostrowski; 21.09.2016.
  • MSc. Michał Jankowski; “Land cover mapping based on APEX hyperspectral data”, Reviewer: Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 19.10.2015.
  • MSc. Krzysztof Mitelsztedt; “Geographical analysis of the environment structure of Ropa catchment using geoinformation tools”, Reviewer: Dr Elżbieta Wołk-Musiał; 31.03.2014.
  • MSc. Maria Szepietowska; “The use of aerial photography to inventory taking of asbestos cement roofing”, Reviewer: Dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 24.09.2013.
  • MSc. Anna Bińkowska; ”The analysis of changes in selected biophysical properties of the Baltic Sea in the period from June to October 2009, based on images from MODIS”, ”, Reviewer: prof. dr Jan Olędzki; 19.09.2012

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Supervision of BA students:
  • Mateusz Gładki; „Spectral features of asbestos-cement roofing”. Reviewer: dr hab. Bogdan Zagajewski; 10.07.2017.
  • Maria Kornatko; „Upper-tier establishments and lower-tier establishments in the Mazovian voivodship” Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 04.07.2016.
  • Ewelina Rogulska; “Spectral differentiation of roofing materials [Zróżnicowanie spektralne pokryć dachowych], Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 30.09.2015
  • Kacper Piątkowski; “The analisys of the possibilites of asbestos cement roofing discrimination”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 21.07.2014
  • Katarzyna Szczęsna; “The 4th Level CORINE Land Cover map of Karpacz based on airborne images”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 21.07.2014
  • Agnieszka Soszyńska “Accuracy Assessment of the Soil Sealing Enhancement Project in Poland”, Reviewer: Dr. Piotr Pabjanek; 15.07.2014
  • Michał Pogodziński; “The use of aerial and satellite monitoring of agricultural land”, Reviewer: Dr. Elżbieta Wołk Musiał; 19.09.2012
  • Piotr Pawłowski; “Analysis of the components of wind map”, Reviewer: Dr Elżbieta Wołk Musiał; 18.06.2012

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  • Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Olędzka G., Pabjanek P., Szepietowska M., 2015. The analysis of the possibilities of using aerial imagery for the inventory taking of asbestos roofing – chapter in book.
  • Olędzka G., Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., 2015. Environmental exposure to asbestos fibres in Poland regarding to world literature trends – chapter in book
  • Krówczyńska M., Wilk E., Pabjanek P., Olędzka G., Rogulska E., 2015. Zróżnicowanie spektralne dachowych pokryć azbestowo-cementowych. Teledetekcja Środowiska, 53, 75-86.
  • Wilk E., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., 2015. Determinants influencing the amount of asbestos-cement roofing in PolandMiscellanea Geographica – Regional Studies on Development, Vol. 19, No. 3, ISSN: 2084-6118, DOI: 10.1515/mgrsd-2015-0014 (70 MNiSW points).
  • Wilk  E., Krówczyńska M., Olędzka G., Pabjanek P., 2015. Składowanie i transport wyrobów zawierających azbest w świetle obowiązującego prawa [Asbestos landfills and transportation of asbestos-containing products]. In: Olszówka M., Maciąg K. (eds.), Nauka w służbie przyrodzie – wybrane zagadnienia, pp. 127-139. Fundacja na rzecz promocji nauki i rozwoju TYGIEL, Lublin.




  • Sobczak M., Folbrier A., Kozłowska A., Krówczyńska M., Pabjanek P., Wrzesień M., Zagajewski B., 2005. Assessment of the potential of hyperspectral data and techniques for mountain vegetation analysis. In: Zagajewski B., Sobczak M. (eds.). Imaging Spectroscopy. New quality in environmental studies. EARSeL & Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Warsaw, pp. 761-780.
  • Zagajewski B., Sobczak M., Krówczyńska M., Zwijacz-Kozica M., 2005. Cyfrowe przetwarzanie zdjęć hiperspektralnych. In: Teledetekcja Środowiska Tom 36. Klub Teledetekcji Środowiska PTG, Warszawa.


  • Iwaniak A., Krówczyńska M., Paluszyński W., 2004. Data analysis techniques, Proceedings of the 23rd Symposium of the EARSeL, Ghent, Belgium 2-5 June 2003, Remote Sensing in Transition.


  • Iwaniak A., Krówczyńska M., Paluszyński W., 2003. Using neural networks for urban area classification in satellite images. 23rd EARSel Symposium on Remote Sensing in Transition, Ghent, Belgium
  • Krówczyńska M., 2003. The preparation of map of land use in mazowieckie voideship bassed on satellite images from NOAA Satellite with AVHRR Scanner, Geoinformation for Europen-wide Integration, Rotterdam, Niderlandy.


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