Phone: + 48 2255 20654, Fax: + 48 2255 2152,
Scopus, ORCID, Research Gate.
Phone: + 48 2255 20654, Fax: + 48 2255 2152,
Scopus, ORCID, Research Gate.
Years with the University:
Since October 2021
D.Sc. student of Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw
- 01/10/2021-now: Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw. Specialisation in Earth Sciences and Environment.
- 24/06/2021: Diploma in Geography from the Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Warsaw University, specialisation in geoinformatics, cartography and remote sensing. Master’s thesis: „Ocena skuteczności klasyfikacji pokrycia terenu według wydzieleń Corine Land Cover (Assessment of the effectiveness of land cover classification according to Corine Land Cover nomenclature)” under the supervision of Dr. hab. Bogdan Zagajewski, Dr. Edwin Raczko.
- 10/2019-06/2021: Master student of the Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing.
- 24/06/2019: Diploma in Geography from the Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Warsaw University, specialisation in geoinformatics. BSc thesis: „Ocena przydatności zdjęć Landsat do klasyfikacji gatunków drzewiastych Karkonoskiego Parku Narodowego (Assessment of Landsat images for tree species classification of the Karkonoski National Park)” under the supervision of Dr. hab. Bogdan Zagajewski, Dr. Edwin Raczko.
- 10/2016-06/2019: Bachelor student of the Warsaw University, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Geography.
- NCN Preludium 22, Spruce Forest Damage Assessment Using Machine Learning on Sentinel-2 Time Series in the Tatra Mountains, National Science Centre (NCN), no. 2023/49/N/ST10/00517 (Principal investigator); details.
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016: VOLTA innoVation in geOspatiaL and 3D daTA – VOLTA, H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 Ref. GA No. 734687, współfinansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki.
Publication list:
- Kluczek M., Zagajewski B., 2025. Mapping spatiotemporal mortality patterns in Spruce mountain forests using Sentinel-2 data and environmental factors. Ecological Informatics, 103074. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2025.103074 (IF 5.9, 100 MNiSW points).
- Kluczek M., Zagajewski B., Kycko M., 2024. Combining Multitemporal Optical and Radar Satellite Data for Mapping the Tatra Mountains Non-Forest Plant Communities. Remote Sensing, 16(8), 1451. DOI: 10.3390/rs16081451 (IF 4.2, 100 MNiSW points).
- Zagajewski B., Kluczek M., Zdunek K.B., Holland D., 2024. Sentinel-2 Versus PlanetScope Images for Goldenrod Invasive Plant Species Mapping. Remote Sensing, 16(4), 636. DOI: 10.3390/rs16040636 (IF 4.2, 100 MNiSW points).
- Kluczek M., Zagajewski B., Zwijacz-Kozica T., 2023. Mountain Tree Species Mapping Using Sentinel-2, PlanetScope, and Airborne HySpex Hyperspectral Imagery. Remote Sensing, 15, 844, DOI: 10.3390/rs15030844 (IF 5.349, 100 MEiN points).
- Kluczek M., Zagajewski B., Kycko M., 2022. Airborne HySpex Hyperspectral Versus Multitemporal Sentinel-2 Images for Mountain Plant Communities Mapping. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1209. DOI:10.3390/rs14051209 (IF 5.349, 100 MEiN points).
- Kycko M., Zagajewski B., Kluczek M., Tardà A., Pineda L., Palà V., Corbera J., 2022. Sentinel-2 and AISA Airborne Hyperspectral Images for Mediterranean Shrubland Mapping in Catalonia. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5531. DOI:10.3390/rs14215531 (IF 5.349, 100 MEiN points).
- Dabija A., Kluczek M., Zagajewski B., Raczko E., Kycko M., Al-Sulttani A.H., Tardà A. Pineda L., Corbera J., 2021. Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Random Forests for Corine Land Cover Mapping. Remote Sensing, 13(04), 777. DOI: 10.3390/rs13040777 (IF 5.349, 100 MEiN points).
- Zagajewski B., Kluczek M., Raczko E, Njegovec A., Dabija A., Kycko M., 2021. Comparison of Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks for Post-Disaster Forest Species Mapping of the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. Remote Sensing 13(13), 2581. DOI: 10.3390/rs13132581 (IF 5.349, 100 MEiN points).
Prizes and Scholarships:
- Excellence Initiative – Research University scholarship for the best PhD students, University of Warsaw (2023, 2024),
- Winner of the 4th edition of Competition of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in the field of geoinformation in the category of master’s theses for the thesis entitled ’Assessment of the effectiveness of land cover classification according to Corine Land Cover nomenclature’ prepared under the supervision of Dr. hab. Bogdan Zagajewski and Dr. Edwin Raczko
- Rector’s scholarship for the best students in the 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2020/2021 academic years.